Liasons & Referrals |
Jewish ChaplainRabbi Ralph Kreger, BCC |
Chaim (718) 492-8700 |
NYP Jewish LiaisonMrs. Shevy Kahan (845) 492- 8700 |
Refua HelplineMrs. Landau 845-782-2000 |
Rofeh Cholim Cancer 718-722-2002 |
Medical ConsultantsRabbi Lazer Goldwasser 646-220-2720 Rabbi Itzy Twersky 718-614-3434 |
Medical Halachic questionsRabbi Zisha Ausch 718-496-4911 |
Brain injury 718-645-6400 |
Mental HealthMrs. Judy Fisher 917-297-6235 |
Brooklyn Transportation |
Chesed 24/7845-354-3233 |
Chesed of Williamsburg718-218-9000 |
Chesed of Boro Park718-431-0111 |
Darchei Chesed Monsey845-425-4070 |
Ezras Rayim Monsey845-371-7191 |
Gemach Hatzolah – Monroe845-782-5930 |
Access-A-Ride transportation for people with disabilities877-337-2017 |
Satmar Bikur Cholim (Bus Schedule)Williamsburg 718-387-0546 Boro Park 718-854-5900 Flatbush 718-253-3119 |
Keser Malka Trans. From B.P. & Flatbush718-871-8424 |